Reconciling with an updated master document

When the master document of a project copy has changed since the project copy was made, the master document may contain more or less information than the project copy, possibly making the project copy obsolete. You can reconcile the difference between the two documents by one of the following commands:

To reconcile a project copy of a changed master document:


  1. Select the project copy to be reconciled.
  2. In the Document ribbon, in the Assign group, click Discard from Project or in the Merge group, click Confirm Superseded by Master or Confirm Merged with Master.

To reverse the effects of the Confirm Superseded by Master command:


Note    This command is only available if the Advanced Project Workflow Module has been enabled for the vault.

  1. Select the project copy that you want to reactivate.
  2. In the Document ribbon, in the Merge group, click Undo Make Obsolete.

To reverse the effects of the Confirm Merged with Master command:


Note    This command is only available if the Advanced Project Workflow Module has been enabled for the vault.

  1. Select the project copy to be re-merged.
  2. In the Document ribbon, in the Merge group, click Require Merge.

To reconcile a project copy of a changed master document:

  1. Select the project copy to be reconciled.
  2. From the Document menu, point to Managed Change (Master/Project Copy) and click Discard from Folder (Discard from Project, Confirm Superseded by Master, or Confirm Merged with Master).

To reverse the effects of the Confirm Superseded by Master command:

Note    This command is only available if the Advanced Project Workflow Module has been enabled for the vault.

  1. Select the project copy that you want to reactivate.
  2. From the Document menu, click Undo Make Obsolete.

To reverse the effects of the Confirm Merged with Master command:

Note    This command is only available if the Advanced Project Workflow Module has been enabled for the vault.

  1. Select the project copy to be re-merged.
  2. From the Document menu, click Require Merge.